Friday, September 11, 2009

PHPmotion hacks, and then Ruby

I tried hacking around the PHPmotion e-mail problem this morning. I looked through the MySQL database for the web site and found a table called 'member_profile'. I changed the 'account_status' column from 'new' to 'active' and now the user can log in!

It's not a perfect hack, though. I can log in and change a few things, but I cannot view my profile. I'm guessing that the 'confirmation' action does a few more things after changing the 'account_status' value.

I could hack more, but maybe setting up an e-mail server would be a better solution.

I sent Ben a summary of my progress. The e-mail was lengthy; I would like a way to write shorter e-mails.

After the PHPmotion tests, I spoke with two recruiters about possible positions. One is in Pittsburgh (from the same recruiters I spoke with earlier this week -- they have another opportunity) and one is in West Palm Beach. I'm quite OK moving to Pittsburgh; it has been recommended by web sites and friends. West Palm Beach was not on the 'tech radar' and I did not consider it as a possible location. I'm pondering the move.

In Ruby, I modified my basic macro translator program (interpret) and extracted the core function into a Ruby module. This is the first step in creating a common 'macro' module that can be used by 'interpret' and 'macron', my two macro-expansion programs. The process was fairly easy; most of the effort is in picking a good name for the module. I consider that a good sign -- the tool gets our of my way and lets me think about the problem I am solving, not the ceremony for the tool.

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