I accomplished some other things yesterday.
I finished reading Eric Raymond's The Cathedral and the Bazaar. I found the predictions for Windows 2000 amusing: Raymond forecast a wide rejection of the operating system due to its size and incompatibilities. Looking back, Windows 2000 was accepted and became a popular choice. Perhaps ESR was predicting the release of Windows Vista?
I added some features to the Ruby version of 'interpret'. I also created a script to run test cases. Good thing I did; I found two problems in the code and one in the test data. Fixing both gave me a better program.
In the evening I attended the CALUG (Columbia Area Linux User Group) meeting and heard a presentation on "Reconnoiter", a tool for monitoring systems. It is an impressive tool. I think I am more impressed with it because of the work I did monitoring systems at UPS - I understand the need for such a tool and the issues in collecting data.
A recruiter (a pair of them, actually) called yesterday about a position in Pittsburgh. The work would be automating tests for a team developing a C#/.NET application. I'm talking with them more today. I'm OK with moving to Pittsburgh -- it's one of the cities that has been recommended to me by friends and web sites. I'm also OK working on the testing side (and not pure development) because there is enough challenge in automating manual tests and running the test "operation".
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