Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ruby at the Hive

I'm working at the Baltimore Beehive tonight. This was a special night-hours session, with a bunch of people attending. The Beehive is a co-working facility, with tables, chairs, power, monitors, and network access (wi-fi and wired). And tonight they have chill/ambient music, which supports programming and design.

Most folks here (all but one) are using Apple computers. (And I am not the one! I have my old Apple MacBook.)

I'm working on the virtual microcomputer project from a while back. I call it "virtua". It's in Ruby, and it is bigger than I would like it to be. I have processors for the 8080, Z-80, 6502, 6800, and a phone one that I call a KA68. Each processor needs a definition, an assembler, and an absolute loader. And each of those needs a set of tests. It's more than I want, and I think that I can re-organize things to simplify this arrangement.

The experience of working at the Beehive is a good one. There are fewer distractions, and the chairs are better for long programming sessions.

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