Saturday, May 22, 2010

OSCON 2010 - registration

I signed up for OSCON 2010 today. I've been to OSCONs in the past and find them very informative. The con is all about open source and might be the premiere meeting for open source information. They have competent speakers and interesting topics.

The con is in Portland this year. Last year it was in San Jose, and I think a number of people complained. (It had been in Portland for a number of years.) I was one of the complainers. I complained about the food, which I find more appealing in Portland.

I also booked hotel rooms and air travel. I tacked on a side trip to Los Angeles to visit my friend KK. (Since I'm funding the trip, I can take all the side trips that I want.) I got some good deals for the air fare (Southwest) and some ok deals for the hotel rooms. (In previous years the hotels have been cheaper. But I should not grumble.)

The internet made the task possible. At least, possible without the assistance of a travel agent. The arrangements took longer than I wanted, but not too long. (About an hour, altogether. About the same amount of time I would spend telling a travel agent my preferences.)

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