Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Modest success (again) with XLS

Last week I posted about modest success in the task of creating XLS files. At that time, we were able to take an XLS file, convert it to text, and then re-convert it to XLS format. The text format was very detailed, with specific information about each record in the starting XLS file.

Today I had more success. After a week of coding and testing, I took a plain text file, one with a minimal amount of information, and used it to generate an XLS file. With this program in our toolbox, we can start on the major task of updating several of our key applications.

The job is not complete. There is one item remaining: a fix-up for some records that point to later records in the file. Right now I handle this by adjusting the generated file. (A cumbersome process of exporting the XLS file to detail-heavy text, adjusting the specific records, and then re-importing the detail-heavy text file back into XLS format.) It's an interesting problem, but quite solvable. My experience with assembly language programming is helpful for this problem; the task is identical to the work performed by a linking loader.

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