I interviewed the folks at OMB today. It went well; we both learned a lot during the meeting. ("An interview is a meeting with a purpose", as the HR director at MCSB used to say.)
They have some C++ systems that need maintenance. And possibly some improvement. They want to move across platofrms (Windows today and Linux in the future) so they are thinking about staying with C++. They also have constraints (deliverables, deadlines, audits, and communications retention) that limit the options for a development project. The project is not impossible, but a bit harder than an environment without the constraints.
During the interview I mentioned my work with the Paranoid build system at UPS. That system built Worldship every night and reported problems. I think that they found the idea of nightly builds appealing. Maybe this will work in my favor.
The interview lasted an hour. We covered the systems, the technology, the major tasks, where they wanted to go, and some side issues such as commuting and work hours.
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