I accomplished several things today.
I set up one computer to host Apache and act as a web server. I also created a simple "Hello, world!" page. After a bit of adjustments to settings (static IP address, firewall, DNS server addresses, and default gateway) it is working. This is a good first step: it gets me ready to explore Ruby on Rails.
My web server is strictly behind the firewall, and not available to the public internet. But it is enough for me to use and learn.
I read a bit more of The Anatomy of a Compiler by John A. N. Lee. This is a pretty detailed description of a compiler and covers the major topics. The work is a bit dated; it is geared for a person writing in assembly or C and the author provides a lot of explanations of the data structures needed by the compiler. In modern languages (Perl, Ruby) you get these data structures for free.
I also found (or remembered) some additional resources. The ACM web site has job postings, Safari books on line, and they also offer health insurance. I'll have to visit it again and get more details.
In addition to ACM, there is also my alma mater's web site and the alumni association web site. These provide ways to network with fellow alumni.
I should send an update to the class secretary.
I signed up for the 2009 E-Tech conference in March. Taking advantage of the early registration and alumni (read that as "previous attendee") discount, I can afford the con. I used points for the hotel stay, and also found a cheaper hotel in Santa Clara. (The con is in downtown San Jose, and hotels there are a bit pricey -- even for points.) I also booked airfare on Southwest, and found a pretty good deal.The E-Tech con may be a good opportunity to meet folks and find contacts. It depends on how many people attend.
I sent my resume to another contracting firm, one a little more local that tomorrow's meeting. I received a prompt and polite "thanks for checking in and we will let you know" response. Less enthusiasm than I hoped, but at least it is a response and not a black hole for e-mail.
Dinner with the former co-worker has moved from tonight to tomorrow night, due to the snow. It's a small amount of snow, just enough to make the roads and the sidewalk treacherous.
Tomorrow is the appointment with the first contracting company, and then more work on setting up Ruby on Rails.
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