Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The BASIC that wouldn't die

I started a project several years ago: write a BASIC interpreter. Not Visual Basic, but the old-school interpreted Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, with '10 PRINT "HELLO"' BASIC.

My real purpose was to learn the Ruby language. It was a good choice: the BASIC interpreter was complex enough to provide a challenge, yet not so complicated as to be daunting. I learned a lot about Ruby, and I also learned a lot about BASIC.

Writing a BASIC interpreter is not the easiest thing in the world. Writing an interpreter for any (serious) language is a non-trivial task (and yes, I do consider BASIC to be a serious language). I used several vintage books to help me: Kemeny and Kurtz' "The BASIC Programming Language", Coan's "Basic BASIC", Tracton's "57 Practical Programs and Games in BASIC", and Dave Ahl's "101 BASIC Computer Games". All of these (except for Tracton) predate Microsoft's dominant variant of BASIC.

We think little now about language variation. Before Microsoft's BASIC became the standard, there were different implementations of BASIC from different companies. DEC, HP, GE, and others created BASIC for their hardware, and each was unique. Differences ranged from simple appearances (a LIST of a program would left-pad line numbers with zeros, or not) to syntax (subscripted variables use parentheses, unless they use the now more traditional square brackets) to execution features (in one version, FOR/NEXT loops leave the index set to one beyond the terminal value). Early versions of BASIC also had statements that Microsoft dropped, such as the MAT statements and multi-statement user-defined functions.

I added many of the variants into my interpreter, using command-line switches to enable or disable specific behaviors.

I also added to the language and the interpreter. I added a set of ARR statements ('ARR' for 'array') which correspond to the MAT statements for matrices. In the interpreter, I added a profiler and a cross-reference output. I have seen neither of these in BASIC, and I wanted them.

Now, with not one but two versions of the interpreter near completion, I find myself looking for a new project. I'm considering a compiler for BASIC. Seriously. My inspiration is the old CBASIC compiler and the UCSD p-System. Both compiled code to an intermediate byte-code (or p-code) that was executed by a runtime environment, much like Java and .NET programs of today.

My idea is a simple compiler, one that generates assembly language for a fictitious processor. An assembler will convert that code into bytecode, and a runtime system will execute the bytecode.

The compiler can be as simple as an extension to the existing interpreter. I should be able to run the interpreter, load a program, and then type a command (probably 'COMPILE') and write the pseudo assembly code to a file. After that, a separate program can assemble the code and create the bytecode file. Finally, a run-time system (or an interpreter) can execute the bytecode.

So I have convinced myself that this new endeavor is worthwhile, and I will work on it as time permits.

BASIC just won't die!

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