Monday, August 8, 2011

Agile Development presentation at CMAP

The CMAP group had a presentation on agile development techniques. For those familiar with agile development techniques, there were no surprises.

The key ideas from the presentation:

- Software development uses the metaphors of building construction, which serve us poorly. Software development is similar to a journey of exploration, not building a well-defined thing.

- The "big design up front" approach fails not from lack of planning or poor planning skills, but from our inability to predict the future. Project plans do not account for every possible event -- and never will.

- Allow for change and respond to it

- Revise the plan as you gain information

- Build features of the system, not layers. You can build a feature in layers, but the objective is to build the feature.

- Use feedback loops to ensure that you progress towards your goals

- Agile techniques are not tied to specific development tools

I was happy to see the CMAP group (a Microsoft-centered technology group) look at agile development.

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