Wednesday, July 13, 2011

GnuPG and Android tablet

I attended the CALUG meeting tonight, with its talk on GnuPG and public key cryptography. It was a good presentation, and the most pleasing aspect was that I knew most of the concepts. (So my studies have been successful.) I also had some nice chats with other folks there, about things technical and non.

At home, I have been playing with the Viewsonic gTablet, an Android tablet that has wifi but not cell net. It's fairly nice, but takes some time to familiarity. Viewsonic implemented Android with a slightly different design than my cell phone. I made the mistake of thinking that my cell phone was the implementation of Android, when it is an implementation. The gTablet does not use the Android market; it routes you to (Possibly because it has no ID.) I spent some time looking for the New York Times app until I realized that I didn't need it -- I could use the browser.

I'm beginning to like the gTablet. I've downloaded and installed the Andiko e-reader and loaded an O'Reilly book. The reader has its quirks (or maybe the .epub file has its quirks) but it is usable.

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